Shortcuts: Their Purpose and How to Use Them.

Imagine that you're an illustrator often requiring the generation of images under specific conditions (for instance, exclusively black and white images). Or perhaps you're a copywriter or writer with recurring inquiries for Chat GPT (such as synonym finding or simple translation into a different language). In these scenarios, shortcuts are readily available for use.

Additionally, you can create shortcuts to analyze messages from a specific Slack channel (for instance, summarization, or scrutinizing for offensive messages - anything at all), or even to analyze data from an external URL.

Let's create a shortcut as an example for translating a phrase into Spanish.

To do this, navigate to Dashboard -> Shortcuts and click on "Create New Shortcut". You will see a wizard page for creating shortcuts.

Come up with a title for your new shortcut (it will be visible in the list later) as well as the specific abbreviation for invoking the shortcut). 

For instance, we'll assign 'sp' for the shortcut and enter "Spanish Translation" in the title. Anticipating ahead, let's provide an example of how this shortcut will be invoked once it's created: 

/emilybot ~sp Hello guys!



Next, select the data source for our new shortcut. In our case, it will be "User Input". That means the data for the prompt will come directly from the command. So, in the command 

"/emilybot ~image Hello guys!", the data will be "Hello Guys".

Select the Open AI model you need to process your request (in our case, let's choose GPT 4 Turbo Preview). And most importantly - enter the Prompt to which the data will be added. In our case, the Prompt will be "Translate to Spanish: ".

Congratulations. You have created your first shortcut!

Let's try out our newly created shortcut.